IMPACT - Young Adults

Our aim is to show that it is possible to be both a Christian and a professional. The kingdom minded professional exercises wisdom when making decisions and does not neglect the spiritual side of things.

The Bridge - Youth

The bridge is an exuberant community of young people at Trinity Baptist  Church (TBC), with a passion to pursue God in their youthful age.

TBC Children

As a church committed to transforming lives and fulfilling destinies, we believe that children should not be left out, so we have organized this special school for the children.

Men of Integrity

To empower TBC men with the necessary tools and programmes for effective Christian & Family Life and help TBC men maximize their Christian potential.

Ladies of Integrity

To mobilize all the women in the church and empower them  with the   necessary tools and programmes for effective Christian and family life and also to help them maximize their potentials.

Women of Impact

To empower TBC men with the necessary tools and programmes for effective Christian & Family Life and help TBC men maximize their Christian potential.


To support and encourage one another in a safe and friendly environment and to enjoy various activities socially and spiritually among our peers.